Use Stained Glass Windows to Decorate Your HomeUse Stained Glass Windows to Decorate Your Home

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Use Stained Glass Windows to Decorate Your Home

My name is Linda, and I am a professional interior decorator with additional experience in construction. I am passionate about the beauty of stained glass and its ability to completely transform a room or an entire home. Consider turning one or more of your windows into a work of art by replacing it with a stained glass design. If you don't want to completely replace a window, you can order a customized stained glass window and have it hung in front of your existing window. This creates a lovely focal piece in your home. Decorating with stained glass is easy and can make a huge difference in your home's appearance.

Have A Few Unusual Windows That Need Replacing? Companies That Can Help

Older homes have some strange and unusual windows. It often makes you wonder what the previous and original homeowners were thinking when they decided to install windows of such an unusual size and/or shape. If you are now finding that these windows need replacing, you would be hard-pressed to find them in any of the usual places where windows are sold. However, there are some companies that can help you with this particular problem. Read More 

Comparing Window Treatments

Interior window treatments have a big impact on how you use your window fixtures, and how you can control the light coming into your home. Your window treatments can also contribute to the installation of your fixtures. Of course, many people are mostly just concerned with how their window treatments look. So, there's really a lot to consider when it comes to choosing window treatments for your home. Different Treatments Throughout Your Home Read More 

The Battle With Mother Nature: Storm Windows, Or Replacements?

With all of the bad weather going around these days, it's always a good idea to have a backup plan ready for when Mother Nature decides to throw a curveball (or, perhaps a rock through your window). With windows being the one weak point to your home, having a good understanding of your options when it comes to deflecting whatever Mother Nature throws at you. Specifically in this case, whether you should put storm windows up, or replace your windows all together. Read More 

Have Large Windows In Your Living Room? 3 Reasons To Get Window Tinting

When you have lived in your home for long enough, you may start to notice opportunities for improvement in various areas. For instance, you may love spending time in your living room, but you may notice that the sunlight can cause some problems for your family. If you have an irregular work schedule, you may notice it even more when you are at home during the day. This is something that will not go away on its own when you have large windows in the living room, especially when you enjoy the beautiful views that they provide. Read More 

2 Steps For Improved Window Insulation

Window replacement is a dream remodel for many, but it might be out of your price range. Since window replacement costs so much, many people will first try to improve the functionality and insulation of their fixtures before they make such a big investment. That is, if your windows are leaking and inefficient, you don't necessarily need to rush out and buy a new product. There are several ways to fix leaky windows. Read More